Conte de l'incroyable amour

Sorti le 01.05.1992
ECM 1457

Anouar Brahem : oud

Barbaros Erköse : clarinet

Kudsi Erguner : nai

Lassad Hosni : bendir, darbouka



Le chien sur les genoux de la devineresse

L'oiseau de bois

Lumière du silence

Conte de l'incroyable amour

Peshrev Hidjaz Homayoun




En souvenir d'Iram

Iram retrouvée


Réactions de la presse

[...] L’album s’enroule autour du talent poétique du luth d’Anouar Brahem. On le suit délicieusement à travers le subtil ordonnance­ment de la mélodie, les silences du phrasé musical, à travers tous ces non-dit qui nous entraî­nent dans des chemins orien­taux, dans une poésie de lumière et de battements délicats [...]

Le Monde
Véronique Mortaigne

Diablement séduisant [...] Ce vir­tuose réussit à transmettre dans son oeuvre ce quelque chose d'originel qui som­meille en tout un chacun [...] Il envoûte tout sim­plement.

Elisabeth Sikora

[...] ECM, venu du jazz expé­rimen­tal, explore aujourd'hui des espaces ba­roques, contemporains ou mondiaux. Il a longtemps fait figure de pionnier [...] Des noms : Arvo Part, Jan Garbarek, Keith Jarrett etc. [...] les alchimistes d'ECM créent de l'or, comme ce Conte de l'incroyable Amour d'A. Brahem.

Ariel Kyrou

[...] Anouar Brahem: a ge­nius, a soul, an improviser who possesses all the rich­ness of expression from not only the Orient but from the western world as well [...] Anouar Brahem’s music is spontaneous and as captivat­ing as a Bach cantata [...] this great musician can be com­pared to John McLaughlin and Glenn Gould [...] "Epochal"

Mittelbayerische Zeitung
Armin Maus

[...] Dramatic intensity, the technique, as brilliant as it is, is nothing compared to the music [...] that a piece de­mands a great virtuosity, is al­ready the occasion for Anouar Brahem to create an extraordinary music [...] he pulls from his instrument cristalline notes as though he has succeeded in captu­ring, through the vibrant air of an extremely hot day, all of the moving particles of sand and dust coming from the great­ness.

Sven Thielman

[...] Anouar Brahem, through his high mastering of the techniques of playing the lute, has succeeded in con­quering a charmed public [...] this distin­guishes him from all of his colleagues playing the modern lute [...]

Al Hayet
Mohamed Hijazi

Soft and contemplative yet efferves­cent, this unusual recording of oud player Brahem is a true “tale of in­credible love.” Each tune exudes a warm, magnetic quality, drawing you into a soothing trance. Brahem re­defines World Music for so­phisticates.

New York Review of Records
Brooke Wentz

Brahem’s key to infinity is the simple way in which he crafts his melody on the oud. In the title piece, Brahem’s four-note melody blends the mathe­matical severity of Gregorian chant with the hypnotic simplicity of new age music while leaving cliches in the dust.

Washington D.C. Recreation
Marion Jacobson

“Conte de l’incroyable amour” is a strange and haunting release by the Tunisian oud player Anouar Brahem. This is no exotic bit of world music. It is rather a genuinely original mix of North African and Arab flavors that will please many different tastes.

Washington D.C. Times
Octavio Roca


Meilleurs disques de l'année 1992, "Le Monde" (France) 
Los Mejores discos de 1992, "Ritmo" (Espagne)

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